Phlebotomy is a process of puncturing the vein (also known as venipuncture) in order to get a blood sample for performing a medical test. Blood shedding can also be performed for blood donation purposes. Phlebotomy technicians , or simply phlebotomists, are professionals who draw blood from patients. They take these blood samples to pass to laboratory and further check for health issues, like diseases, bacteria, cholesterol, etc. In the meantime, phlebotomy technician can work in all kinds of medical facilities, from hospitals to private laboratories. RESPONSIBILITY OF PHLEBOTOMY TECHNICIAN : As a Phlebotomy Technician Program Los Angeles , you will be the one who draws blood from patients, collects a variety of other specimen samples as well as label the blood vials that you have filled. You will also be responsible for bringing all blood and specimen samples to the laboratory either in the hospital you are working in, or locally in the area. Below is a quick list of the job d...